Array satu(1) dimensi menampilkan nilai dari mahasiswa
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string nama[5] = {"Andi" , "Melissa", "Herman", "Joko", "Wayan"};
int nilai[5] = {84, 76, 54, 46, 76};
int i;
//display tabel nilai dari 5 nama
cout<< "|=======================|"<<endl;
cout<< "|==Nama=========|=Nilai=|"<<endl;
cout<< "|===============|=======|"<<endl;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)//Do loop i = 0 to 4
cout <<"|";
cout <<setw(4)<<nama[i]<<setw(5)<<"\t|"<<setw(4)<<nilai[i]<<setw(4)<<"\t|";
cout <<endl;
cout<< "|=======================|"<<endl;
//***********************Nama Yang lulus(display lulus)*****************
cout<< "\nBerikut Adalah Nama-Nama Yang lulus dengan syarat Nilai >= 70"<<endl;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)//do loop i = 0 to 4
if( nilai[i] >= 70 )
cout<<"\n"<<nama[i]<<"\tlulus, dengan nilai "<<nilai[i]<<endl;
//***********************Display Tidak Lulus****************************
cout<<"\nSementara Yang tidak lulus Yaitu: "<<endl;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
if( nilai[i] < 70 )
cout<<"{c}Copyright : @Tom Richard Simatupang";
#include <conio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string nama[5] = {"Andi" , "Melissa", "Herman", "Joko", "Wayan"};
int nilai[5] = {84, 76, 54, 46, 76};
int i;
//display tabel nilai dari 5 nama
cout<< "|=======================|"<<endl;
cout<< "|==Nama=========|=Nilai=|"<<endl;
cout<< "|===============|=======|"<<endl;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)//Do loop i = 0 to 4
cout <<"|";
cout <<setw(4)<<nama[i]<<setw(5)<<"\t|"<<setw(4)<<nilai[i]<<setw(4)<<"\t|";
cout <<endl;
cout<< "|=======================|"<<endl;
//***********************Nama Yang lulus(display lulus)*****************
cout<< "\nBerikut Adalah Nama-Nama Yang lulus dengan syarat Nilai >= 70"<<endl;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)//do loop i = 0 to 4
if( nilai[i] >= 70 )
cout<<"\n"<<nama[i]<<"\tlulus, dengan nilai "<<nilai[i]<<endl;
//***********************Display Tidak Lulus****************************
cout<<"\nSementara Yang tidak lulus Yaitu: "<<endl;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
if( nilai[i] < 70 )
cout<<"{c}Copyright : @Tom Richard Simatupang";
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